Sunday, November 22, 2009

30th Week

Wow, I'm at 30 weeks this week, which means....technically, I could have anywhere between 7 to 12 weeks left! Who knows if he will come early or late, but I am ready either way! So, what is the latest.....

We (my amazingly helpful and motivational friend Gin and I) finished painting his room, organized all the clothes we have gotten, put together the changing table, and unwrapped about a thousand diapers from my awesome diaper cake Anne made from my previous shower! The changing table looks awesome and Sam even said, "If I had know it was gonna be that nice, I would have put it together a long time ago!". I laughed and asked what he thought it would look like and, of course, his answer was inaudible! Boys!! Anyway, his room is coming along and now I just need to get a dresser, armour, and crib and we'll be set!! My wonderful Mom, however, did have the bassinet I slept in as a baby sent to Atlanta this week and Sam and I went to pick it up yesterday! It has been in our family since my brother was born, which means (sorry Doug), it is over 42 years old. I think that is extremely cool, not to mention, I think my cousin used it and Paige used it for her kids! I love family tradition! It makes my heart smile!! Thanks Mom!!

So, how are we??? Maddux is as active as ever. He is growing, but since I have been on the diabetes diet, I have not gained any weight (even though my mom swears I have 3 babies in my belly because it is so big). I guess the food I am eating is just going straight to him. I am so okay with that! Everyone I have seen this past week has been so complimentary! My friends have been so sweet about my clothes and say I look cute prego. It is amazing how at the is point in my pregnancy, I am as big as a house, yet my friends are making me feel amazingly pretty! Thanks ya'll, it is really appreciated!! You really don't know how nice it is to feel good when you are so out of whack!!

Back to Maddux....So, I went to the doctor and she was fine with all the numbers I had been getting with my blood sugars....except my morning readings. She said she as worried, but could put me on a pill that could help. Turns out the pill is made with Sulfa in it and I am allergic to Sulfa. So, I played phone tag with the doctors office all Thursday and Friday. I am not sure how the lines got crossed, but the next thing I know, my doctor tells a nurse to call me and tell me that I would then go on insulin. Shocked as I was, I decided to make an appointment and see the nutritionist asap. So, I have an appointment at 10:30 tomorrow to see what I can do. I honestly don't think I can give myself shots! My solution thus far, since seeing my doctor last week, was to eat only (or mostly) protein, and I have to say, personally, I think it has worked great! I will see in the morning when I see the nutritionist, but keep your fingers crossed! I do not want to go on insulin!

Sam and I leave for Dallas on Wednesday to go see my family! I am so excited because both my grandmothers, aunts, cousins, sister (and fam.), mom and dad will be there! I haven't seen my grandmothers, cousin and aunt since Sam and I got married! Some I haven't seen in 3 years!! I am so psyched! I am looking forward to a great family thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and we'll see you in a couple of weeks!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

28th Week

Hello all....sorry it has been a couple of weeks. I am now heading into my 28th week. To start it off, I get to go meet with the dietitian tomorrow at 2:00. Yes, it is true, I have been told I have gestational diabetes and that I am anemic!! No wonder I have been so tired over the past month. I was beginning to worry!

So, a week and a half ago, I went for my diabetes test. I went after school and was told not to eat or drink anything different than usual! So, I didn't. Sam went with me and the test was bearable. It really wasn't as bad as people were warning me! The orange stuff was gross and sugary, but not near as bad as I had envisioned!! Low and behold, I had to go back last Friday to take the 3 hour glucose test because I miserably failed the 1 hour! The good news was that I got to take the day off school, the bad news was that I had to fast from the night before and then get 4 tubes of blood taken over a 3 hour period!! ( I have horror stories about the blood that was taken, but I will spare you all!!!) The worst part about it all is that they found I am diabetic. In dealing with this news, I have a little story to tell.....

So, there is this mom at my school who I have seen over the past couple of months walking around with a bandanna on her newly shaven head. I, of course, assumed she had recently been diagnosed with cancer. Well, she stopped me the day I found out about the diabetes. She asked me how I was feeling and was really sweet.....and as I was walking away, I asked her about herself and apologized for being rude and not asking about what she was going through. She was so matter of fact and was so positive, I was sort of taken aback. She ended by telling me that she had 12 days left of chemo and that she had decided long ago that as long as whatever was going on her life, that was not so positive, was happening to her and not her kids, she was happy and could handle it. I thought, wow, what a great way to view life!! So, I turned to her and said, you know, I shouldn't be whining, as long as the diabetes only effects me, I should be happy I can do something about it, Maddux will be just fine in the end! So, with my new lease on life, I go into the next couple of months knowing, I can do what I have to do for Maddux!!! I'll meet with the dietitian tomorrow and will have to change my diet, but I know I can do it!! I simply can't believe that in about 2 and a half months, I will have a little man to hold and smile at! (Tear:))

Maddux is still super active. My belly is growing rapidly and my friends are incredibly sweet and continue to tell me I look great! I want to give a shout out to Sarah and Whit as I know they are faithful readers!! (I really appreciate you ladies!!) I hope this blog post finds everyone happy and ready for Turkey soon!! I love ya'll and will continue to keep you posted on our progress!! Happy November!! Wow, November already, crazzzy!!