Tuesday, September 22, 2009

21 Weeks

I am 21 weeks as of yesterday and am moving right along! I have had 2 days where I have felt kinda dizzy, but as long as I have gone to bed when I feel that way, I seem to do fine! This has been an exciting 3 or 4 days though, Maddux has been movin' and groovin' in my belly. So much so that I can feel him kicking on the outside now. Sam can't feel it yet but I think that is because I can feel it on the inside too. But, this morning, on my random Tuesday off because of all the flooding here, I woke up to a big ole' elbow or kick to my tummy! I barely had my hand on there and he moved my hand! I couldn't stop smiling for 20 minutes and waited for him to do it again, but of course, no command performances! That is where we differ.....ha ha!

Anyway, things are good, I went to Home Depot today to pick paint colors for Maddux's room! Last weekend, a friend of mine and I went to Babies R Us to register. After three hours, I felt pretty good about all my choices. Man, did my feet hurt! It was incredible. The next day, I took another friend with me to Target. Their selection was not as overwhleming as Babies, but also not as much to pick from. Never the less, I am now registreed at Target and Babies R Us!!! It was super fun!!!

Lastly, to those who read this.....thank you for taking the time out of your days to follow me and what is happening to Maddux! I love that I can mention it to friends or family and they know what I am talking aboutHaving someone say "I know, I read that on your blog", is pretty awesome!! It is nice to know that it is being read and I am not sharing this with no one!! Thanks ya'll, you all rock!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sonogram Pictures!!!

20th Week

Hey ya'll, I am going into my 20th week, which makes me going into my 5th month! I can't believe it! This week has been an exciting week! We found out what we are having (as most of you know per Facebook!). We are having a BOY!!!! He is already 10 oz. We got to see his ribs, feet, brain, heart chambers, facial features, etc. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen. This sonogram made everything so real!! He was moving all around....so much so the technician said he was showing off! Like mother, like son!! I wouldn't expect anything less. I am so excited!

Well, that is all I have for now as I want to post the pics for ya'll! Enjoy!