Sunday, May 23, 2010

Maddux at 16 weeks!

Hello's been a long time! Things are great here. School is out for the kids and I only have 2 days left! Then, I have almost 2 months home with Maddux. I cannot wait!

So, what has been going on? Nothing too interesting, but we have had a very busy past couple of weeks. First of all, I went back to work 3 weeks ago (hence he slacking on the posts). The first day was really hard....but after a weekend, it was easier to get back into the swing of things!!

The first 2 weeks back at work, Sam was home with him, so that was awesome! They got some serious daddy baby bonding time! Sam did admit he was bored to tears by the end of the second week...he said he needed adult interaction. So, needless to say, he was ready to go back to work this past Monday!

My Aunt Letha just left yesterday. She spent all last week here taking care of Maddux while I spent my last week with my students! We are so incredibly lucky to have had her here. I can't remember when I got to spend so much time with her. It was so nice to go to work and not worry about whose taking care of the munchkin! We are certainly blessed (thank you Aunt Letha, we love you)!

On to the baby....Maddux is probably almost 12 lbs, but we go to the doctor for his 4 month check up on Friday, so we'll see. He has grown long though. He is finally fitting into 3 month clothes and can no longer wear his newborn Sam is happy about that! He is giggling and smiling constantly! He loves to be the center of attention (wonder where he got that from :))! He is sleeping from about 9 at night until 7 or 8 in the morning....but I am still waking him for one last feeding every night before I go to bed just until I am home from work this week. So, we'll see what happens if we don't wake him, how long he'll sleep without that last feeding!

He is talking up a storm! I say talking but you all know, he is cooing and gurgling and all that! We have taken some great videos of him laughing, but haven't tried putting them on here yet, maybe today will be the day to try it! In any case, he is already growing up so fast and I just want him to slow down. Sam is ready for him to walk and talk, but not me! My favorite thing is to pick him up from his deep sleep and just snuggle him until he slowly wakes up! He is so sweet!

Well, I don't have much else since we are going to the doctor on Friday, but I did want to post a small update! Until next weekend! Have a great week all!

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