Thursday, December 30, 2010

11 Months old

I cannot believe little munchkin is almost a year old!!! This year has flown by extremely fast!! It has been so much fun to watch Maddux's rapid growth, especially over the last 2 months!! He is full fledged crawling on his hands and knees now! He is pulling up on everything and getting into anything he can! He is really little man now! Not only that, but he is actually getting heavy! I weighed him before Christmas and he was 18 lbs, so I can only imagine, after all the food we gave him in Texas, how much he weighs now! Which leads me to TEXAS!!!!

Sam and I decided we wanted to drive to Texas for Christmas! We thought this would be good for several reasons. One, it was cheaper, which it was! Two, I hate being in Houston without a car. I never know who is going to let me borrow theirs and who will need one when, so this was a very smart choice! I actually got to go visit friends and meet their kids as well as let them meet Maddux! So fun! Three, it was nice to have an extra car with all the extra people we had around for the holidays! So, all in all a very good idea to drive! Plus, what would we have done with all the extra stuff we had going and coming back! It just made more sense!!

The drive there was extremely easy for Maddux! We left around 8 pm and got to my sisters around 8 am. We did this for Maddux, but it totally stunk for Sam and me! Neither one of us could sleep in the car, so we were pooped by the time we got there! Maddux, on the other hand, slept the whole time so he was happy as a peach!! So, luckily, my sister and her kids were happy to take car of Maddux and let us go to sleep as soon as we arrived!! But, for the drive back, we decided to leave earlier and deal with the possibility of having an unhappy baby on our hands!! Believe it or not, he was pretty happy 99 % of the time driving home! So, that was a better way to go! We left around 3 pm and got to Atlanta around 4 am! Maddux was wide awake when we drove into the driveway, but after about a 20 minute play time, he was ready to go back to bed without any fuss! So, all in all, not a bad drive!

So, Christmas in Texas was a total blast! Maddux got to meet my other grandmother, Meems, for the first time and that was special!! She is 94 years old and claims she won't travel again after this year! So, we feel very lucky that she did in order to meet Maddux! My other grandmother, Grandmother, was there as well, but this was his second time to meet her!! In any case, I feel extremely blessed to have both of them in his life!! My great-grandmother, Nonny, lived until she was 97 and I was around 28 years old, so I have high hopes for my grandmothers and being around for Maddux!!! We've got strong genes on both sides of the family!!

So, we stayed at my sisters house for Christmas and mom, dad, and the grandmothers came out there and stayed with us too!! This was so much fun!! My niece and nephew are simply the greatest with Maddux. They obviously love him and love playing with him! I really have such an amazing family!!! They are so good to each other and everyone is just so filled with love!! I am so happy that Maddux is surrounded by that kind of environment!!! We had an unbelievable Christmas and Maddux loved every second! He didn't understand the presents but he will next year! He still looked cute in his Christmas jammies and surrounded by all the gifts!! We are already looking forward to Christmas next year!

So, that's all for now folks....gotta add the pics!! Happy New Year to you all!!!

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