Sunday, August 22, 2010

Almost 7 months

Maddux has been growing and learning and laughing so much over the past few weeks!! He can sit up by himself for long periods of time, he laughs his rear end off at Sadie, and he is talking up a storm!! He has even started to army crawl and scoot backwards!! I feel the real crawling coming on really soon!! He is probably about 16 lbs. and is getting taller by the day it seems! We don't have another doctors appointment until 9 months, so I wont have any measurements until then!

He goes to his sitters every day and has so much fun! It is such a blessing to drop him off and see him smile when he sees her! She loves him as if he were her own, and I just thank God every day for that! Last week, she told me that she was getting so attached that she would probably have to go to his high school graduation and his wedding!!! That just made my heart smile!!! She is so great with him and is feeding him until he gets fat.....and since he is still only in the 10%, we are glad for her to do that! He also has his first real girlfriend there! Her name is Molly and they are only 3 weeks apart! They play and hold hands and laugh at each other! I love it! They are just so cute!!

Other than that, I have obviously gone back to school and have a great bunch of kids! I have 25 in my class and they are really sweet! It is going to be a great year!

There isn't a lot else to say...I tried loading a video of him laughing for after 30 minutes, I give up! I think they are too big so I will see what Sam can do!! Until next time.....I hope everyone is great and as happy and blessed as we are! Talk to you all soon!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

6 Months

Man, oh man...time is just flying by!! I am just in shock that Maddux is already 6 months old!! It is going by way too fast and before we know it, he'll be crawling (the doctor said sooner than we'd probably like) and then walking!! CRAZY!!!!

Well, so lots has happened since we last spoke! I took Maddux to Houston mid July! Boy was that interesting! I vow never to travel with him by myself ever again! It was just simply exhausting! First of all, the plane ride was super stressful on the way there, as I was panicked he would cry the whole time. He actually did a great job, he only fussed and was easily the plane ride home is a different story! The people sitting next to us said he only cried about 5 minutes, tops, but you know when it is you and your kid....I swear he cried for an hour!! Everyone was really nice though, the stewardess even gave me some apple juice to put in a bottle to see if that would calm him down (see, she wouldn't have done that if he had only been fussing for 5 minutes, right?) Anyway, I was so ready to get off that plane, I could have run with stroller, car seat, diaper bag and all!!

So, once that drama was over, I didn't consider the rest of the trip effecting him.....You see, when I go to Houston, I usually switch between my sister and parent's houses so I can see everyone I want to see! That is just what I have always done....well, that doesn't work quite as well with a 6 month old! 2 things could have been the cause of my lack of sleep for the week.....either he was just really out of sorts from the traveling and switching houses, or just sleeping in the same room as him, I could hear every sound he made and it would wake me up! So, not sure which it was, but never the less, I got, maybe, 5 hours of sleep each night there!

Other than that, Houston was great! My sister got to spend some good quality time with him and I got to see my niece and nephew for a good bit too!! My Aunt Letha and Cousin Vicky drove my grandmother to Houston, as well, to come meet Maddux. (My aunt had already, so graciously, come to Atlanta to take care of him, back in May, so she was just coming to play again)! Grandmother was so excited to see him and I loved that he got to meet her! It is so nice being able to say I knew my great-grandmother. Mine was 97 years old when she left us and I loved my Nonny! Anyway, I digress....We got to see Jean (one of my best and oldest friends in the whole world). She just moved back from France to Texas, so she came to Paige's to meet Maddux. I also got to meet another one of her kids! I had met one years ago, but now I have met Max. Maybe I'll get to Meet Claire soon too! We had a great time!

Maddux got to meet one of my camp friends and several of my mom's friends by weeks end, but boy was I ready to be home! Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing everyone and introducing Maddux to everyone I could, but I was just plain beat by the time I got home! And, Maddux was so excited to see his Daddy, as was I!!! So, great trip, but it won't happen again any time soon without Sam by my side!

Since then, lets see......oh, the doctor. I took Maddux back for his 6 month checkup last Tuesday. He weighs 14 lbs 4 oz. He is 24 and 3/4 inches long and STILL in the 10th percentile! We are a little sad about that, however, he is the happiest baby, always smiling, super we really have nothing to complain about! He did have to have his 5 shots that day and the after math does turn my happy child into a demon for over 24 hours....but again, he is usually so happy, I can deal with 24 hours! I hate doing that to him, but it is necessary.

Let's see....oh, thats right, I started school already!!!!!!!!!!!!! O wait, this is a a blog about Maddux, not me! Sorry!! I will say, they have added 2 weeks of random breaks throughout the year and that is why we went back so early, so really, I shouldn't be whining!!! However, while I am at school, Maddux is getting to go play at a friend's house while I work. Her mother-in-law just moved here to take care of their 5 and a 1/2 old baby and wanted another infant! WE are the lucky ones! He loves her already and she just dotes on him all day, I can tell. Friday, when I went to get him, I was putting him in his car seat and she was behind him talking, he arched back, looked at her, and just grinned from ear to ear! That made me so happy! Shelly (that's her name) told me as I walked in that day, that she was keeping him, and that just made me feel so good about leaving him with her!! I feel like I lucked out on the whole day care thing! Anway, I will stop here and bid you all a great Sunday! Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us.....See you next time!

PS, he can sit on his own now, he eats baby food from a spoon, and he is pulling up his knees sticking his cute little rear in the air.....Like I said, SLOW DOWN Maddux!!!